Safety on Shore
Know how to stay safe on shore.
While on shore, you should always apply sunscreen if it is sunny, wear footwear, and avoid areas which are dangerous or off-limits.
Always check the weather forecast before travelling to the coast. You can find the weather forecast on this site; you can also find more weather information at the Met Office.
Sunny Weather
When the weather is sunny, you are at risk from sunburn if you are in direct sunlight. Sunburn is red, hot and sore skin.
You should apply sunscreen before spending time in the sun.
- It is possible to get sunburn when the sun is out, even if there is a breeze and it does not feel very warm.
- Severe sunburn can lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which can be very serious.
- Sunscreen should have a high Sun Protection Factor (SPF).
- Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours, and immediately after exiting the water.
- Protect yourself against sunburn by staying in the shade, covering up with loose clothing, and wearing a hat.
If you or a member of your family has suffered sunburn:
- Get out of the sun as soon as possible.
- Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
- Cool your skin down with cool water or a damp towel.
- Cover the burn from sunlight until it has fully healed.
- Taking painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen will help with the pain.
- If your skin is blistered, or if you start to feel unwell, call NHS 111.
- If you have a baby or young child with sunburn, call NHS 111.
- For more information, visit the NHS website.
Stormy Weather
You may be at risk from high winds and large waves if the weather is stormy.
Stay a safe distance away from rough sea and waves in stormy weather.
- Powerful waves can crash against the shoreline, harbour walls, and promenade without warning.
- Strong winds may knock you off harbour walls and into water.
Coastal Environment
Folkestone’s coast has a number of hazards and hazardous activities you should avoid.
Every day, there are usually two high tides and two low tides; the tide times are different every day. The tide cuts off some coastal areas as it rises.
Always check the tide times before visiting the coast.
- Make sure you have returned to a safe area well before high tide.
- Carry a fully charged mobile phone so that you can call for help in case you are cut off.
- Do not venture past any railings or warning signs, and keep to marked paths.
If you have been cut off by tide and cannot get to safety:
- Call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
- Give as much information about your location as possible.
Rocky Areas & Breakwaters
You will find many rocky areas and breakwater structures along Folkestone’s coast.
Do not attempt to climb breakwater rocks.
- Gaps between breakwater rocks can trap feet, legs or arms.
- Breakwater structures can become cut off by the tide.
- Breakwater structures can become extremely dangerous at high tide or in bad weather.
- Rocky areas are often wet and slippery, so you should use caution when walking in these areas.
Mud & Sand
The bed of Folkestone Harbour is exposed at low tide. You should not walk across Folkestone Harbour at low tide, as the sand and mud is waterlogged and can act like quicksand.
Avoid areas containing waterlogged mud and sand.
Do not attempt to drive vehicles into the Harbour or beach at low tide.
- These areas can trap your feet and legs, putting you in danger of drowning due to the incoming tide.
- Vehicles entering these areas are likely to become stuck, putting them at risk from the incoming tide.
- Check the tide times before walking in coastal areas to ensure you will not be at risk from the incoming tide.
If you become stuck in mud or sand while walking:
- Spread your weight evenly across the surface.
- Remain calm and do not move.
- Discourage anyone else from trying to help you (they could also become stuck).
- Call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
Broken Glass
Broken glass is a danger you may encounter at any beach. Sand or rocks can hide broken glass from view.
You should always wear footwear at the beach to protect your feet.
- Do not bring glass containers to the beach. Instead, use plastic bottles and containers.
If you have been injured by broken glass:
- Seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
- If there is glass in the wound, do not attempt to remove it yourself.
- If you are unable to walk or reach safety, call 999 and ask for an ambulance giving as much information as possible about your location.
Coastal Cliffs
Steep and unstable cliff faces surround Folkestone’s Sunny Sands beach.
Do not attempt to climb coastal cliffs.
Avoid walking below cliff faces, as rocks may fall from above.
Do not throw anything from the top of a cliff.
- Folkestone’s cliffs are unstable; landslides and rockfalls occur frequently.
- Objects thrown from cliffs may injure people below.
- Only use the designated paths to go up and down the East Cliff; there are steps at the end of the Coronation Parade.
- Alternatively, North Street leads up to the top of the East Cliff.
Wildlife on Shore
Occasionally, you may encounter creatures on shore that would normally be found in the sea. These can still be hazardous and some are protected by law.

You may come across jellyfish that have been washed up on shore. Some jellyfish can inflict a painful sting, leaving a red mark on the skin.
Never touch or handle marine creatures.
- If you find a jellyfish on the beach, it can still sting you if touched or handled.
If you have been stung by a jellyfish:
- Leave the water and keep still.
- Remove any remaining tentacles with tweezers whilst wearing gloves.
- Rinse the affected area with sea water.
- Do not apply any other liquids or substances to the affected area; these may make the injury worse.
- Taking painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen will help to lessen any pain or swelling.
- If you have difficulty breathing after being stung, you should seek medical attention immediately by calling 999.

Occasionally, seals need come out of the sea to rest on the beach. This is perfectly normal, and they are unlikely to need your help.
Seals are protected by law under the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
Do not approach or disturb a seal if you see one on the beach.
If you see a seal nearby, keep children close to you and keep dogs on leads.
- Do not try to help a seal back into the sea; it is probably just resting and does not need your assistance.
- Disturbing a resting seal will cause it to become stressed, possibly causing it harm.
- If you cause harm to a seal, you may be prosecuted.
- Seals may look cute and docile, but they are wild animals and can be unpredictable.
- If you approach a seal, it may feel threatened and act in self-defence.
- Seals can move quickly and can inflict a nasty and infectious bite.
- If you are concerned about a seal, call British Divers Marine Life Rescue on 01825 765546.
There are many different activities you can do at the coast. However, not all of them are safe; some are illegal while others have rules you must follow.
“Tombstoning” is the practice of jumping into the sea from a cliff or structure. What may seem like a fun activity often results in serious injury, and sometimes loss of life. There are specific laws prohibiting it at Folkestone Harbour.
There are no safe locations in Folkestone for tombstoning.
It is against the law to jump from Folkestone Harbour Arm and other Harbour structures.
- You could be prosecuted and fined up to £2,500 for tombstoning at Folkestone Harbour and surrounding areas.
Don’t jump into the unknown. Think about the dangers before you take the plunge:
- Rocks and other objects may be submerged and hidden beneath the water.
- Strong undercurrents beneath structures may pull you under the water.
- The depth of water may be deceptive; tides can fall very quickly.
- Jumping whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs greatly increases the risk.
- It may be impossible to safely get back out of the water after you’ve jumped.
- In recent years, tombstoning has caused over 70 injuries and 20 deaths across the UK.
- 3 people were injured while tombstoning at Folkestone in 2019.
You should also consider the risk to others:
- If you get into trouble, others may put their lives at risk trying to save you.
- People watching you may attempt to copy your actions, especially children.
Walking Dogs
Dogs are banned from Sunny Sands and Mermaid beaches from 1st May to 30th September. Other areas also require dogs to be on leads.
It is against the law to bring a dog onto a beach where a dog restriction applies.
It is against the law to have your dog off the lead alongside a beach where a dog restriction applies.
- You could be fined £100 on the spot, or up to £1,000 if it goes to court.
- Owners of assistance dogs are exempt.
- You can read more about the law and how it applies to dog owners at
Flying Drones
With its spectacular scenery, Folkestone’s coast is an ideal place to fly your drone. However, there are some laws which you must follow if you do this.
It is against the law to fly a drone without first registering with the Civil Aviation Authority.
- You could be fined up to £1,000 for doing this.
- In the most serious cases, you could be sent to prison.
- If your drone weighs less than 250g and has no camera, you do not need to register.
- In some circumstances, you may need to take a training course and receive a certificate before you can fly a drone.
- You can read more about the law, how it applies to drones and people who fly them, and how to register at
You must fly your drone safely at all times.
- Keep your drone at least 50m away from people, buildings, structures, vehicles, and boats.
- Never fly your drone above 400ft (120m).
- At the beach when it is busy, keep your drone at least 150m away from people and never fly it above them.
- Respect other people’s privacy when using your drone to take pictures or video.
- You should clearly mark your drone with your operator ID.
Safety of Children
Young children can become separated from their families at the beach, particularly when it is busy.
Arrange a meeting point with your child when you arrive.
- Tell your child that they should go to an easily identifiable location where you can find them if they get lost.
- The best meeting location at Sunny Sands is the lifeguard station (in the shipping container at the top of the slipway); when it is open, the red & yellow flag will be flying there.
- Tell your child that, if the red & yellow flag is flying, they should ask the lifeguards in red & yellow uniforms for help.
- Make sure your child can remember your name and address.
If your child is missing and you cannot find them after searching for them:
- Speak to the lifeguards immediately, who will be able to help.
- If no lifeguards are on duty, you should call 999 and ask for the police.
Our crew takes the welfare of children extremely seriously, and we have strict guidelines in place for their safety & protection.