An exceptionally busy Sunday with the Sandcastle Competition, Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and the Red Arrows (and other events) taking place meant a large number of people were enjoying the sun, sea and sights at Sunny Sands. Over the course of the day, our crew treated around 25 to 30 children who had received compass jellyfish stings of varying severity while swimming, and one young girl who had received a painful weever fish sting to her foot.
Most of the injuries were relatively minor with no further treatment needed after the jellyfish stings had been neutralised by applying vinegar. However, the child who had been stung by the weever fish had a minor reaction to the venom. Luckily, St. John’s Ambulance volunteers had several vehicles in the area due to the day’s events, and one of these was tasked to the Stade with lifeguards assisting. The patient was then taken for further treatment and observation.
A Compass Jellyfish. Photo © Folkestone Rescue